Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Plastic Pencil Holder Contest

On a walk around my work building, one of my friends (Cale) held a trivia contest.  The contestents were myself and another friend (Eric).  The game was one point per correct answer, with negative points being thrown around arbitrarily.  Unfortunately, the questions were NOT prepared in advance.

Here are a few of the gems I remember:
  • What movie is synonymous with "God of the Circles"? - Lord of the Rings [I got this one]
  • Which country sounds like a person comparing another to a high rise construction vehicle? - Ukraine [I got this one]
  • Which berry is in fact not a berry and canno- (question was interrupted with the answer) - Dingleberry [I did NOT get this one (too slow)]
  • What bodily condition sounds like a mix between a donkey and a marsh? - Swamp Ass [I got this one]
  • What road, that is not a road, burns the back of you mouth? - No known correct answer [I answered Highway to Hell and he gave me a point.  Eric answered Hannah Montana and lost 2 points]
This was a sampling of the 15 questions Cale came up with in the 20 minute walk.  Others were either dumber, boring, or even more inappropriate.  I just wanted to spare some of my younger readers... if there are any!

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